The "O" Report

Working Paper


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University of Cape Town

This report will be of value to those studying human resource management, and those who wish to learn more about transformation within post-apartheid South African organisations. This case study is one of ten case studies being conducted as part of a larger research project on Diversity and Equity Interventions in South Africa (DEISA). The aim of the research is to develop codes of good practice around diversity work in South African organisations. The organisation (0) was approached by iNCUDISA to take part in a case study. O is a small ingredient manufacturing concern based in Cape Town. At the time of the research they employed 232 people. An HR consultant was employed five years ago to implement an EE plan. Part of the implementation of this plan involved the establishment of an Employment Equity Committee. The EEC also took on the mandate of training, making it the Employment Equity and Training Committee. The HR manager named the EETC as the diversity intervention in this case. As the focus of the research was on good practice it was important that the HR manager judge this intervention to be successful Although he/she admitted that there were areas of difficulty, the intervention was judged as a success overall. The aim of this research was to investigate the effects that this intervention had had on the organisation.

Funded by NRF, SANPAD.

