MAM1000W Calculus Notes

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University of Cape Town



This resource was developed to be used as self study notes for first-year university mathematics students. The examples and questions contained in this resource ensure gradual growth in depth and understanding of mathematical concepts, and cover a wide range of topics spanning from Integration to the Binomial theorem & Vectors. The notes include graphs & simulated figures that make it easy to visualise the concepts. The notes also have examples and solutions that demonstrate the application of topics. Mathemafrica is a blogging platform for bloggers writing about mathematics within Africa. A multilingual, multiblogger platform, Mathemafrica aims to give a voice to anyone who wants to discuss mathematics and be a source of information and inspiration for anyone who would like to know how mathematics might be relevant to them. The website contains many more examples of introductory calculus, including materials translated into other African languages. Please click on the link in the source field to visit the website.
