In Conversation: talking transformation



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University of Cape Town


UCT Summer School Lectures 2014

Many people are concerned about the pace, and indeed the meaning, of transformation in higher education and in South Africa more broadly. Two senior university administrators, authors and thinkers will think aloud about the issue. Professor Crain Soudien (Deputy Vice-Chancellor at the University of Cape Town) will engage with Professor Jonathan Jansen (Vice-Chancellor of the University of the Free State), to examine the current state of transformation in higher education and its relation to South African society as a whole. Professor Jansen’s experiences and writings on transformation will focus the conversation, with Professor Soudien’s insight and experience contributing to the exchange. Considerations will include the quest to find creative management solutions to the expression of different cultural experiences inside institutions, and the challenges involved in constructing a fully South African reality inside environments that historically were determined by the practices of one group only. Jansen’s navigation of the treacherous racial terrain of the Reitz Four incident will form part of the discussion. The conversation will reveal how both men see the way though the deep racial cleavages that still plague our South African universities and society at large.
